By Josh Mitchell
Corinth Today News Editor
An Alcorn Central High School graduate has traveled extensively in the Middle East and helped start an organization in New York City to share the Word of Jesus Christ with people of different religions.
The first time Brandon Doyle met a Muslim was as a student at Mississippi State not too long after 9/11. As part of a geography class, he went to a mosque in Starkville and met an Egyptian man.
Doyle had already felt the call to do overseas church planting, and he realized he needed to get around more people like the man from Egypt to spread the Word. He graduated from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Massachusetts and also studied in countries such as Lebanon and Syria.
Doyle realized that it was not necessary to travel overseas to reach people from different religious backgrounds. There are many kinds of worshipers here in the United States, particularly in New York City.
Doyle helped start the New York-based Global Gates Network to plant the seed of Jesus Christ in people of different faiths.
Brett Garrett and his wife, Dr. Jennifer Garrett, of Corinth, are big supporters of Global Gates, which reaches out to people of various faiths, including Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and others. Doyle described the Garretts as “anchor supporters” who help Global Gates stay on the field for the long term.
The Garretts, who own Garrett Eye Clinic in Corinth, also provided Doyle with a free LASIK surgery this week through a hometown heroes program. It was rewarding to help Doyle at Christmas since he has done so much for God and the world by spreading the Word of Jesus, Brett Garrett said.
In addition to New York, Global Gates takes the news of Jesus Christ to other U.S. cities, Canada, Asia and beyond. Churches are invited to send members to Global Gates in New York to be trained and help spread the Word, Doyle said.
Doyle praises God for Global Gates’ success and said churches can partner with his organization, which has seen people profess their belief in Jesus.
Spreading the Gospel in the United States has advantages over doing that work abroad, Doyle noted. He said he is protected by U.S. law here and that spreading the Word at home may be a more effective strategy than doing so abroad. The hope is that Global Gates can show immigrants the truth of Christianity, and then those people can share the message with their families overseas, he said.
This is a “new era” when it comes to spreading the Word of Jesus, Doyle noted. It is important for Christians in the United States to welcome and love people from different faiths to overcome stereotypes that foreign countries may have, he added.
Global Gates particularly tries to reach people from countries that make it difficult for people to hear about Jesus, he said. Those people need an opportunity to know the living God through Jesus Christ, he added.
Doyle is also a teacher at the New York School of the Bible and helped start a school to teach English as a second language. His wife, Breanne, is also very active in Global Gates. Doyle speaks Arabic, which helps him disciple and communicate in an effective manner.
For more information visit www.globalgates.info or email Doyle at .

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