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Missing Alcorn County Churches Sought for Photo Project

Are we missing any churches in our “Churches of Alcorn County” photography project?

Please let us know if you are aware of a church not on the list. The goal is to get a photo of every church in Alcorn County.

Corinth Today readers are welcome to submit pictures of their churches to .

Antioch Baptist Church
Mills Community Baptist Church
Sardis Primitive Baptist Church

Arbol de Vida, or Tree of Life, church
Juliette Baptist Church
City of Refuge Church International


Lick Branch Community Holiness Church


Freedom Fellowship


Kingdom Christian Center International


Cornerstone Christian Fellowship


Ekklesia Ministries


TVC Corinth


Shady Grove Baptist Mission


Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints


St. Luke Missionary Baptist Church


Trinity Presbyterian Church


Gospel Tabernacle


Rienzi Baptist Church


Lone Oak Baptist Church


Corinth Seventh-Day Adventist Church


Holly Baptist Church


Friendship Community Church


Central Grove M.B. Church


Mt. Carmel Community Church of Corinth


Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church


Mt. Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church


Mt. Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church


Hatchie Chapel Church


Alcorn Baptist Church


River of Life Worship Center


West Corinth Church of Christ
West Corinth Church of Christ


Zion Pentecostal Church in Christ
Zion Pentecostal Church in Christ


North Corinth Baptist Church
North Corinth Baptist Church


Little Zion Missionary Baaptist Church
Little Zion Missionary Baptist Church


Christ United Methodist Church
Christ United Methodist Church


Peace Lutheran Church
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church


Shiloh Baptist Church
Shiloh Baptist Church


Theo Holiness Church
Theo Holiness Church


Rutherford Chapel
Rutherford Chapel


Theo Church of Christ
Theo Church of Christ


Jesus Name Community Church
Jesus Name Community Church


Bethlehem Baptist Church
Bethlehem Baptist Church


Shiloh-Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Shiloh-Cumberland Presbyterian Church


Tishomingo Chapel Baptist Church
Tishomingo Chapel Baptist Church


Tuscumbia Baptist Church
Tuscumbia Baptist Church


Deliverance Revival Center


Grace Community Church


St. James Catholic Church
St. James Catholic Church


North Side Church of Christ
North Side Church of Christ


Tate Baptist Church
Tate Baptist Church


West Corinth Pentecostal Tabernacle
West Corinth Pentecostal Tabernacle


First Baptist Church Corinth
First Baptist Church Corinth


Fillmore Street Chapel
Fillmore Street Chapel


West Corinth Baptist Church
West Corinth Baptist Church


First Assembly of God Church
First Assembly of God Church


Danville Baptist Church
Danville Baptist Church


Bethel United Methodist Church
Bethel United Methodist Church


Grace Apostolic Church
Grace Apostolic Church


Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church
Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church


Rienzi Church of Christ
Rienzi Church of Christ


North Rienzi Church of Christ
North Rienzi Church of Christ


Synagogue M.B. Church
Synagogue M.B. Church


Bethlehem Baptist Church
Bethlehem Baptist Church


Danville C.ME. Church
Danville C.ME. Church


Wheeler Grove Baptist Church
Wheeler Grove Baptist Church


Biggersville Pentecostal Church
Biggersville Pentecostal Church


New Hope Presbyterian Church
New Hope Presbyterian Church


Biggersville First Baptist Church
Biggersville First Baptist Church


Danville Church of Christ
Danville Church of Christ


Unity Baptist Church
Unity Baptist Church


Greater Life Pentecostal Church
Greater Life Pentecostal Church


Grace Bible Baptist Church


Hinkle Creek Baptist Church
Hinkle Creek Baptist Church (Photo by Patsy Rinehart)


New Beginning Baptist Church
New Beginning Baptist Church


Clear Creek Church of Christ
Clear Creek Church of Christ


True Holiness Faith Church
True Holiness Faith Church


Greater Harvest Church of God in Christ
Greater Harvest Church of God in Christ


City Road Temple C.M.E. Church
City Road Temple C.M.E. Church


Macedonia M.B. Church
Macedonia M.B. Church


Triumph the Church and Kingdom of God in Christ
Triumph the Church and Kingdom of God in Christ


Greater Life United Baptist Church
Greater Life United Baptist Church


Shady Grove United Methodist Church
Shady Grove United Methodist Church


Shady Grove United Methodist Church
Shady Grove United Methodist Church


First United Methodist Church of Corinth (Submitted photo).
First United Methodist Church of Corinth (Submitted photo).


First United Methodist Church of Corinth (Submitted photo).
First United Methodist Church of Corinth (Submitted photo).


St. Paul's Episcopal Church
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (Submitted photo).


Antioch Primitive Baptist Church, County Road 400
Antioch Primitive Baptist Church, County Road 400.


Antioch Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery.
Antioch Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery.


Central Church of Christ, Central School Road. (Photo by Marla Parker)
Central Church of Christ, Central School Road. (Photo by Marla Parker)


Victory Baptist Church
Victory Baptist Church


Central Baptist Church, Central School Road
Central Baptist Church, Central School Road


Maranatha Baptist Church, County Road 106
Maranatha Baptist Church, County Road 106


Farmington Baptist Church
Farmington Baptist Church


Central Church, Central School Road
Central Church, Central School Road


Life-Gate Free will Baptist Church, Central School Road
Life-Gate Free Will Baptist Church, Central School Road


Ridgecrest Southern Baptist Church
Ridgecrest Southern Baptist Church


First Presbyterian Church, 919 E. Shiloh Road, Corinth
First Presbyterian Church, 919 E. Shiloh Road, Corinth (Photo courtesy of Susanne Cooper)


East Corinth Baptist Church, North Shiloh Road
East Corinth Baptist Church, North Shiloh Road


Lakeview Missionary Baptist Church, North Shiloh road
Lakeview Missionary Baptist Church, North Shiloh Road


Kemp's Chapel Baptist Church, State Highway 356
Kemp’s Chapel Baptist Church, State Highway 356


Kossuth United Methodist Church
Kossuth United Methodist Church


Kossuth Baptist Church
Kossuth Baptist Church


Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church
Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church


Kossuth Worship Center
Kossuth Worship Center


Pleasant Hill United Pentecostal Church
Pleasant Hill United Pentecostal Church


East Corinth Church of Christ
East Corinth Church of Christ


Waldron Street Church of Christ
Waldron Street Christian Church


Foote Street Church of Christ
Foote Street Church of Christ


Foote Street Church of Christ
Foote Street Church of Christ


Cross Way Church
Cross Way Church


Box Chapel United Methodist Church
Box Chapel United Methodist Church


Life Tabernacle Pentecostal Church
Life Tabernacle Pentecostal Church


Calvary Baptist Church
Calvary Baptist Church


Gaines Chapel United Methodist Church
Gaines Chapel United Methodist Church


Oakland Baptist Church
Oakland Baptist Church


Pinecrest Baptist Church
Pinecrest Baptist Church


East Fifth Street Baptist Church
East Fifth Street Baptist Church


New Covenant Baptist Church
New Covenant Baptist Church


Parkway Church of Christ
Parkway Church of Christ


Hungry Hearts Church, Franklin Street, Corinth
Hungry Hearts Church, Franklin Street, Corinth


Vertical Church, 2024 U.S. Highway 72 E. Annex, Corinth
Vertical Church, 2024 U.S. Highway 72 E. Annex, Corinth


Brand New Life Church


Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses


Indian Springs United Methodist Church


Liberty Hill Baptist Church


New Hope Church of Christ


Mission of Hope Church


Lovejoy Baptist Church


Lovejoy Baptist Church


Rowland Hills Missionary Baptist Church


Faith Temple Church


Jacinto Church of Christ


Jacinto Baptist Church


Charity Christian Church


Calvary Free Will Baptist Church


Macedonia Free Will Baptist Church


Tobes Chapel Pentecostal Church


Crossroads Baptist Church


Salem Christian Church


Church of the Crossroads


Glendale Baptist Church


West Corinth Baptist Church (Submitted photo)
West Corinth Baptist Church (Photo by Nancy Nanney)


First Church of the Lord Jesus Christ
First Church of the Lord Jesus Christ
Union Baptist Church


  1. Cathy Kanady Cathy Kanady September 6, 2017

    I didn’t see Fraley’s Chapel on this list. I really like all the pictures – thanks for the article.

  2. William William January 17, 2018

    Church on Tate Street no sign no name.

    Ekklesia Ministries
    Dr. Kobee an Pastor Katina Fitzgerald.

  3. Chuck Chuck March 15, 2018

    County line Baptist county road 600 is not here. It’s on the count line but in alcorn.

  4. Jeannette Tullis Jeannette Tullis March 15, 2018

    Jerusalem Church of Christ off of Farmington road…

  5. Kristie Kristie March 15, 2018

    City Of Refuge church
    706 school street
    Corinth ms

  6. Tonya Tonya March 15, 2018

    Strickland Church Of Christ is not here. It’s located on Central School Road

  7. Frank Williams Frank Williams March 16, 2018

    Missing Oak Hill Christian Chirch

  8. Heather Price Heather Price March 16, 2018

    I did not see Strickland Church of Christ, located on Central School Road

  9. Kasey Kasey March 16, 2018

    I didn’t see Brush Creek Baptist Church on there. Great idea though I never knew Alcoen County had that many churches!!!!

  10. Wilma Mills Wilma Mills December 10, 2018

    Deliverance Revival Center is no longer is in that Building.
    God’s Church Worship Center is at 565 Highway 45, Biggersville, MS 38865 Full Gospel Non-Denominational Church.

  11. don hastings don hastings December 12, 2018

    good pictures there is one on hi-town road bout a mile south of hi-town on the right,i didn’t see union church or mason st.luke mb church. sardis primitive baptist east of rienzi or the one past lone oak i think it is called liberty hill,and a couple near wenasoga.

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