By Josh Mitchell
Corinth Today News Editor
The Corinth Boys & Girls Club has added more features, including a music studio and new workout equipment, to offer local youth a better experience.
Teens have already given positive feedback on the upgrades, said Trecee Hughey, unit director of the Corinth Boys & Girls Club. New technology, such as tablets, laptops and a computer lab with 14 screens, improves options for youth, she added.
The new club layout allows teens to have more separation from the younger children to provide a better learning environment. New chairs, desks and computer stations also give students more comfortable places to study, Hughey said.
In addition to studying, the Boys & Girls Club is also about having fun and socializing. The new teen lounge and music studio also include comfortable sofas and chairs to relax.
The music studio lets youth record their own beats, make CDs, and film videos. They can also edit and layer music with computer software and a mixer. The studio also has equipment to let the children be announcers during basketball and dodge ball games.
A painting on the floor in the new teen lounge resembles a river, and there is more comfortable seating in this area too.
The workout room received a big upgrade. Previously, some thought the weightroom area resembled a prison yard since it was surrounded by a chain-link fence and had bent and rusted equipment. In addition to new weight machines, there is also a treadmill and protective flooring. The fence was removed in favor of more attractive partitions that divide the various sections of the teen lounge.
Converting an area that used to be storage into a quality environment for children with updated technology, including laptops and tablets, is great for the youth, Hughey said.
She wants the local youth to know that they deserve better than a broken pool stick or flat basketball. With determination, the children can be what they want to be, she added. The club offers tutoring, career launch and money management programs.
The improvements were funded by a workforce development grant that the club will also receive next year. Next year, the grant will focus more on programs to help prepare children for the workforce.
Saretta Cuff is the case manager for the grant, and she tracks the students’ progress in areas such as filling out job applications and interviewing with employers. The club will also bring in professionals in various fields to talk about career opportunities.
It is the job of the Boys & Girls Club to give children the chance to explore career options, Hughey said. There are 16 computers in the lab, and the Boys & Girls Club can also track how the children are doing in school. College students who help out the club are positive role models for the youth as well.
With all the improvements at the club and the new programs coming in the future, Hughey said 511 Clark St. in Corinth is the place to be.
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