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Alcorn School Board May Appoint New Member After Wilbanks’ Resignation

Superintendent Larry Mitchell, left, and former School Board President Randy Wilbanks.

By Josh Mitchell

Corinth Today News Editor

For the second time in less than two years, a president of the Alcorn School Board has resigned.

Randy Wilbanks resigned his position as school board president Monday night.

Wilbanks said he has been thinking about resigning for about a year after the state Legislature passed a law requiring superintendents to be appointed rather than elected.

Wilbanks said he agrees with the new law but says many in his district would still rather elect their superintendent.

Wilbanks said he does not feel he is qualified to appoint a superintendent and said the voters did not elect him to do that. The issue of appointing or electing a superintendent was not a big topic when he ran for office, he said.

Current Superintendent Larry Mitchell was elected, and his term ends in January 2020. The next superintendent will be appointed by the school board.

Wilbanks decided to step down to allow the voters to elect someone they feel would do a good job at appointing a superintendent. A superintendent can make or break a district, said Wilbanks.

Moreover, Wilbanks said he has a growing business that demands a lot of his time. He said he wants someone on the school board who can devote the needed time to the job.

Wilbanks has served on the school board for nine years, and his current six-year term was set to end in December of 2020.

Based on a review of the state statute, it appears the Alcorn School Board must now appoint someone to fill Wilbanks’ seat within 60 days. A special election can be held if the school board cannot agree on an appointment.

If the school board does appoint someone, that person will serve until January of 2019 and then be replaced by the person who is elected in November of 2018 to complete the unexpired term.

Wilbanks said he has heard from a couple of people who are interested in the seat. Serving on the school board requires having a “heart for the children,” Wilbanks added.

He said he thinks the district is headed in a good direction and pointed out high state rankings local schools have achieved.

Wilbanks was named president of the Alcorn School Board after prior school board President Carroll Morton resigned in March 2016. Morton resigned the same night the school board made its controversial 3-2 vote to close the Glen and Rienzi elementary schools.

Morton said he would have resigned regardless of how the vote on the school closures went, saying he had health issues and was experiencing stress.

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