By Jackie Huskey
For Corinth Today
Wall art in downtown Corinth is the newest project of Keep Corinth-Alcorn Beautiful.
Thanks to the efforts of KCAB board members and staff, a formerly blank brick wall now sports a message promoting the downtown area.
The coordinator for KCAB, G.T. McCullough, said the idea for doing wall art came from The Alliance President and CEO Clayton Stanley. Stanley had a vision for KCAB that included tangible, visible projects that affect the community as a whole, McCullough said.
The wall art was painted on a brick wall on Tate Street, just west of the railroad tracks and the intersection with Fillmore Street. The message on the wall is, “Enjoy Corinth,” with an arrow pointing to the SoCo area of downtown.
McCullough noticed the brick wall one day while stopped by a train. The brick wall is an entryway for the downtown area and the perfect spot for a message promoting downtown Corinth, he noted.
The KCAB borrowed the famous Coca-Cola style logo for the word “Corinth.” Coke has an extremely strong presence in Corinth, and copying the logo is a way to “tip our cap to them,” McCullough added.
They made stencils for the wall art and then shopped for paint. When Corinth Color Center heard about the project, the business donated the paints and paintbrushes.
Some of the volunteer board members and KACB staff met and got the wall art finished in a couple of hours. McCullough is pleased with how the project turned out, and he hopes it will help instill community pride.
“The wall art project is outside the box of what people think that KCAB does,” said McCullough. “KCAB is more than just a group that cleans things up and holds household hazardous waste collection days.”
Now that the group’s first wall art is completed, board members are coming up with new ideas and new places for more wall art that will promote the community.
The wall art project also brought about the idea to start a hashtag: #enjoycorinth. The hashtag could be used by restaurants, shops and anyone promoting things going on in Corinth and Alcorn County.
“By promoting the #enjoycorinth, we increase our digital output and can encourage more people to visit Corinth-Alcorn County,” he said.
In addition to his job with KCAB, McCullough is also the project manager for The Alliance. He has been in those positions since June, when he and his family moved to Corinth from Louisiana. McCullough is originally from Tupelo and is excited about the possibilities here. Corinth and Alcorn County already feel like home, he said.

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