By Josh Mitchell
Corinth Today News Editor
Dan Thompson filled his 18-wheeler with diesel, but prayer is what really replenished his tank.
“We always need prayer,” said Thompson, who was at a gas station on U.S. Highway 72 in Corinth on Thursday.
Printed in very large, red letters on both sides of his trailer is the name JESUS.
Thompson’s company is called Point B Trucking, and he bought the trailer from a friend in Indiana about five years ago.
The name JESUS on his trailer is “enough said,” said Thompson, who lives near Chattanooga, Tenn.
People often take pictures of his trailer, and he asks if they can pray for each other.
Thompson travels all over the United States except California and feels God’s blessings on the road.
Whenever he needs repairs it always seems that help is just around the corner. He recalled the time he had a flat tire in Wisconsin and someone was there to assist him.
Once he was on a job in Oklahoma and was told he needed a hard hat. It just so happened that someone had recently given him one.
“He (Jesus) knows what we need before we need it,” Thompson said.
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