By Josh Mitchell
Corinth Today News Editor
The Alcorn County School Board on Monday night voted to authorize Superintendent Larry Mitchell to investigate the possibility of closing the Glendale and Rienzi elementary schools and merging them with other schools within the district.
The board faced a packed room of residents, many of whom were concerned about the possible closure of the Glendale and Rienzi schools.

Some residents said they don’t want the community schools to close, saying the children excel in those facilities.
But the superintendent said the school district is facing financial challenges and merging the schools with other schools could save about $720,000 a year.
That is money that could go toward maintenance in other facilities, Mitchell noted.
Board member Russ Nash opposed authorizing Mitchell to look into the possible closure of the schools.
For more information, please check back later with Corinth Today.
My child attends Rienzi and I too oppose the closing. Not only because of my child’s education (all A’s I may add) but because of the people affected by the possible merge. I attended the meeting tonight and I can say with certainty that NO other plan was put in place to save money, other than closing the school.
If these “board members” actually knew what they were doing and learned how to manage money and not waste it the last 20+ years, this wouldn’t be a problem. Just like the liars in office everywhere else, “we want to do what’s best for the kids/people.”
What a load of crap. All about money. Just another small group of people in elected offices who make all the decisions. Sounds like another corrupt place we all know and love….Washington D.C.
I would like to see figures showing that $700,000+ could be saved. Based on my research that is a huge exaggeration. At the board meeting there were almost 50 requests from ACHS & KHS for out of state trips and fundraisers. Only ONE request from RES to sell cheese and i believe only one from Glen to sell cookies. Looks to me like Glen and RES are EXCELLING with very little funds so why punish them for doing something RIGHT by throwing them in with lower performance?
I have a child with mild autism. There’s no way he could make straight As in a large school like he does at RES. He attended CES for 4.5 yrs so I have perspective of both districts and comparing large to small class setting. He has self esteem and good grades at RES. He had decent grades at Corinth and zero self esteem. He had very few teachers who actually cared about him as a person not just numbers& test scores. At Rienzi it is like a family and they live and care for my son. Them at is worth much more than $700,000 to me.
These officials are elected by the people, so therefore they need to do what the people want! They can find a way to keep these schools open if thats what the people want.
I even heard the students were begging their parents not to let these happen. Alcorn county has been involved in some much corruption and crooked politics over the years and the people of Alcorn have paid the price!