Does State Investigation Cast Doubt on Former Prison Nurse’s Lawsuit Against County?
By Josh Mitchell
Corinth Today News Editor
The Alcorn County prison doctor was cleared this year in an embezzlement investigation conducted by the state auditor’s office, documents show.
Officials could not comment on whether the lack of evidence found in the state investigation casts serious doubts on allegations made in a lawsuit filed by a former prison nurse.

Andrette Lee Holder, the former prison registered nurse for six years, has filed a lawsuit against Alcorn County and Joshua Davis, who is the warden. Holder seeks compensatory damages for “emotional distress,” back wages and other relief.
The auditor’s office conducted a “thorough” investigation after a complaint alleging embezzlement was made in July of 2017 against prison physician Dr. Matthew Tipton.
The state investigation determined that the embezzlement allegation was unsubstantiated, and the case was closed in March of this year.
“After a thorough investigation, there was not enough evidence to substantiate the allegations,” the letter from the state auditor’s office said.
It was unknown who made the complaint against Tipton, who could not be reached for comment.
Even though state officials found no wrongdoing, Holder has filed a lawsuit alleging “fraud” was “being committed” at the Alcorn County Regional Correctional Facility.
It is unclear if Holder’s lawsuit pertains to the same allegations that were found to be unsubstantiated in the state investigation.
The lawsuit alleges that the prison doctor was turning in timesheets that “reflected a great deal of work which he was not performing.”
According to the lawsuit, Holder told other jail officials in April of 2017 that she could not sign off on the doctor’s timesheets because they were incorrect.
“She felt it was criminal fraud against the government to falsely report time not worked and receive payment for it,” the lawsuit says.
Holder also claims in her lawsuit that management was angered because she was unwilling to “participate in fraud being committed by others at the Alcorn County Regional Correctional Facility.”
As a result, Holder said she was subjected to harassment at work and had to quit because she became a “nervous wreck,” the lawsuit alleges.
Her attorney, Joel Dillard, of Jackson, Miss., could not be reached for comment to say whether the state auditor’s finding of insufficient evidence diminishes the claims made in the lawsuit.
The state auditor’s office investigation was open about seven months and assigned to a special agent. The investigation included conducting interviews, obtaining statements, reviewing financial records, researching documents and conducting “other necessary activities consistent with a civil/criminal investigation,” the auditor’s office letter adds.
Alcorn County officials also could not comment on the matter.
However, Alcorn County Board of Supervisors attorney Bill Davis has said that the lawsuit will be “vigorously defended.” It is filed in Alcorn County Circuit Court.

I believe Lee.
I believe Lee.
Seems legit, why would we not believe the State Auditor who clears a man and believe someone who was in the middle of casing a ruckus? Who is the Statw Auditor supposed to be protecting? That’s right, the citizens of the State, regardless of personal feelings.
What’s your relationship to “Lee”? That’s my question to you.
We all know somebody who is or has been in this place. Think about what they do to them.
i believr Lee! i was in jail there they tread you like your dog they cuss emates call us alot of names because we would ask question like when court etc.That jail is Not ran like it should be when they got emates having sex with staff bring brugs in they have there picks emates! so yes i believe Lee i hope he wins they get Josh davis out of there he is not one to run are work at jail he cusses emates not no how tread people thats in jail!
So it is clear now the allegations are completely false. Dr. Tipton is an innocent man who was falsely accused. Holder should face charges for filing a false report and tarnishing a good man’s reputation.
I worked at the Alcorn County Jail for a short time.
I found Dr. Tipton to be a caring and professional physician. Glad to see the State of Mississippi cleared him.
Big difference in not enough evidence to support allegation vs. Being cleared of all alegations.