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Corinth Doctor Sued Over Woman's Delivery of Twins

By Josh Mitchell
Corinth Today News Editor
A lawsuit was filed Monday in Alcorn County Circuit Court against a local doctor and Magnolia Women’s Clinic in relation to a woman’s delivery of twins.
Kirstin Fitzgerald of Alcorn County filed the lawsuit against Dr. Don Simpson and Magnolia Women’s Clinic, 512 Alcorn Drive, Corinth. Fitzgerald also filed the lawsuit on behalf of “S.F.,” a minor.
The lawsuit alleges that S.F. suffered “permanent injuries,” such as the “inability to crawl, walk, talk, or even sit up.”
The lawsuit added, “Her (S.F.’s) neurologist believes that she is blind and that she will never walk.”
Simpson could not be reached for comment Friday afternoon. The defendant had not filed an answer to the lawsuit, and there was no attorney for Simpson or the clinic filed with the circuit court.
Fitzgerald was expecting twins, and she went to the emergency room at Magnolia Regional Health Center in Corinth with labor pains on Saturday, March 18, 2017, the lawsuit says.
Contractions were three minutes apart and dilation was at 4. Simpson started a magnesium drip on Fitzgerald “in an attempt to delay her labor,” the lawsuit says.
“She asked repeatedly to be transferred to Memphis but was not transferred until Monday, March 20, 2017,” the lawsuit charges.
The babies were delivered immediately when she arrived, and both babies needed a blood transfusion, it added.
One baby is in good health, but the other baby, “S.F.,” “suffers from severe hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, according to the lawsuit.
The plaintiffs allege that Simpson and Magnolia Women’s Clinic “breached the acceptable standard of medical care” by:
Failing to recognize from the fetal monitor strips that “S.F.” was in distress;
Delaying Fitzgerald’s labor;
Failing to immediately deliver the twins;
Failing to immediately transport Fitzgerald by ambulance to a higher care facility;
“The negligent acts and omissions of said defendants were so gross and inexcusable as to constitute a wanton and willful disregard for the safety and well-being of Kirstin Fitzgerald and S.F.,” the lawsuit asserted.
The injuries to the plaintiffs would not have occurred if the defendants had followed “nationally recognized standards of medical care” or even a “minimally competent professional,” the lawsuit charged.
Some of the damages sought by the plaintiffs include medical expenses, emotional distress, pain and suffering and lost wages. Punitive damages are also sought to “deter the wrongdoer from engaging in such conduct in the future.”
The plaintiffs have requested a jury trial and are represented by T.K. Moffett of Tupelo.
Magnolia Regional Health Center spokesman Ben Tucker said Dr. Simpson and Magnolia Women’s Clinic are “independent” and not owned by the hospital.
Simpson has “privileges to practice at MRHC granted by the medical staff and board,” Tucker added.


  1. KLMA KLMA May 12, 2018

    This is not the first of many lives he has caused harm to.. he almost killed me and my oldest son almost 20 years ago and should’ve been banned from ever delivering anymore children anywhere.. I should’ve filed suit then but being young and just plain thankful that my son didn’t die and seemed ok I didn’t but he’s had learning disability and he falls and stumbles due to neurological reasons but I was so thankful God saved us from the tragic and pain that he has caused all the others for that I am sorry maybe if I had been one of the many to speak up on our story maybe others wouldn’t have had to endure the pain he caused others.. please people speak up don’t let this monster continue to harm and kill our children and mothers

  2. Samantha pearson Samantha pearson May 12, 2018

    Personally Simpson saved both my children! Sent me to every care facility he seen I needed to go to! Glad I had him and would most definitely use him again.

  3. Stacy Stacy May 12, 2018

    This is what maggot gets for hiring these 19 year old RN’s with ONLY 2 years of class room training (rookie/green horns) that’s dumb as mud, starting them out at $18 hr MAYBE! Straight from a service station or high school and straight to saving someone’s life! These little community colleges will boost them up, convince them they are as smart as a dr and they feel like God! They got the big name but nothing to go along with it. VERY DANGEROUS but cheap labor. Most bigger cities won’t even hire a nurse for anything very important with a minimum of a BSN. Good old maggot will because it saves them millions but sometimes not in long run

  4. EW EW May 12, 2018

    This is just one of many lawsuits to come if Corinthians don’t hold this hospital and their doctors to higher standards! It’s been a long time coming!

  5. Deanna Smith Deanna Smith May 12, 2018

    I wish I could say I am shocked by this story but I am not. My daughter had Dr Simpson for her first pregnancy and this story could well have been her story had she not had support people with her. Her labor was augmented with one medicine, then stalled with another, effectively stopping her contractions altogether and drawing her active labor to a completely stop for several hours.
    Please, please educate yourself on your doctor and his track record, educate yourself on your chosen hospitals protocols surrounding birth, find your voice and make it loud and clear. You are in charge of your birth and these stories don’t have to happen. Always have someone with you who knows your wishes, understands the birth process and understands what each step of the process means for you and your baby.

  6. Lanesha Penrose Lanesha Penrose May 12, 2018

    Sorry your going through this. The doctor should have definitely listened to your requests. Some of them have the big head and some of their decisions ruin lives. I’ll being praying for your family 🙏🙏🙏👆


    I absolutely loved the EMPLOYEES at Magnolia womens center. Dr Simpson however, not so much. He was extremely rude, wont let you have an epidural until you’re at a 5 and prolonged my labor for 26 hours.

  8. Shari Loving Shari Loving May 16, 2018

    I feel for this poor mother. I thank God my situation didnt go that way. I went into labor at home on Nov 4 2006 and upon arrival to hospital, the nurse called my delivery doctor, Don Simpson, and he told the nurse he was busy having dinner with his wife. Valerie Alder came to see about me and called Dr Hsu to finish delivering my baby boy.

  9. Courtney Courtney May 24, 2018

    He postponed my ex sister in laws labor two times the last day November 18,15 my mom called to doctor office for my sister in law because she was in alot of pain this was at 11:15 am and Dr. Simpons told them to come to the office instead of going to the hospital and he didn’t even know her name an had someone else name on the computer and she told him that wasn’t her an so he pulled her up an told her an my mom that the baby was dead got up an walked out of the room sent them to the hospital after sitting at his office for 3 hours an didn’t take my nephew out until almost midnight and told my brother an sister that there wasn’t anything wrong with my nephew that he was healthy he was full termed but she started having contractions a dew days earlier an he kept stopping her labor an we blame Dr.simpon for my nephews death

  10. tiffany wright tiffany wright June 8, 2018

    I lost my son due to this man! I went through the legal process years ago. Deposition after deposition got the best of me and prolonged my torture of reliving my sons death everyday. I gave up on the lawsuit so I did not lose my mind. I am a nurse and derrick would have been my first child.. The day before I lost my son I had a dr. Appt. He did an ultrasound. In front of my mother and my husband at the time I pointed to the umbilical cord and told him that blood flow looks constricted. He said there is nothing to worry about im just a scared first time mom. I was working night shift that same night and I went into labor at 3am. I finished my shift and went to the hospital at 3pm that evening. In the parking lot of that hospital my son was kicking me in between contractions. They rushed me back and told me he has no heartbeat. No attempt at a c section. I was livid. I laid in that hospital bed in labor with my dead son for 2 days. Dr. Simpson did not want to perform a c section because he didn’t want me to see that scar everyday as a reminder. Well I think having a full term stillborn son is a much bigger scar than a c section. Its been 9 years and to this day I still think of him on a daily basis. my worst memory was me screaming in pain telling him my epidural did not work. No one believed me. Neither dr. Simpson nor the nurses. I did not get an episiotomy and my son tore me and then I saw my blue limp son in his arms face down. The only thing I could say was let me see the cord!!!!. I knew exactly what happened and I was right! A true knot in his umbilical cord. There it was plain as day and my insticts were right and it was staring me right in the face. After that there were a few nurses that walked in my room and didn’t pay attention to the flower with the tear drop on my door. They mistakingly asked me if I was excited and would tell me congrats and then appologize. It was nothing but pure torture and im sorry to all of you other women who has been through this since my loss but mentally I couldnt deal with reliving his death talking about him everyday to my lawyers. His time has finally come and im smiling ear to ear.

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